General terms

Please make sure that you've read the general terms before contacting me. Sending a request is considered as if you have. Thank you.


You are free to cancel your appointment.
Deposits payed for events that will take place within months at the moment of the cancellation, are fully reimbursed up to ten days after payment, and half reimbursed for cancellations 11 to 21 days after payment.

Moment of request Deadline to pay deposit
+9months-12 months ahead No bookings that early
7-9months ahead 12 weeks (three months)
5-6months ahead 8 weeks (two months)
3-4 months ahead 4 weeks (one month)
1-2months ahead two weeks
2 weeks ahead 5 days
1 week ahead 3 days
Less than a week The day of the request

Your appointment goes from being temporarily booked to officially booked from the moment the deposit is paid. Due to the busy schedule of my full time job, I have a limited amount of time to offer my services. It is therefore important for you to confirm your appointment on time.

How much deposit is due?

Service Deposit
Makeup €15,00 p/p
Hairstyling €10,00 p/p

A part of the travel fee is also included in the deposit.


Any request left with no feedback, especially when the deposit's deadline has passed, will automatically be cancelled. Also note that you will no longer be able to book any appointment with me in the future.

Social media

You will always be asked for consent before any post. All images posted online have been taken after receiving your permission and are exclusively used for professional purposes.